Cycle route Weesp - Vreeland

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Cycle Route Weesp - Naarden - Kasteel Groeneveld

by Lars Haagen Petersen

Kasteel Groeneveld near Baarn - Spring 2022

Groeneveld Castle is one of the many monuments owned by the Dutch state. The castle dates from the beginning of the 18th century and was renovated in 2012. The historic buildings have been preserved in their original form, but the rooms have been equipped with all modern comforts. Groeneveld Castle organizes and develops exhibitions, children's activities and events that encourage visitors to look at nature and the surroundings in a different way.

This route is about 25 km. from Weesp and to the castle (see map below). Along the way you come among other things past the towns of Naarden, Bussum and Hilversum. The route also goes through the nature reserve, "Goois Nature Reserve Bussumheide".

The church tower in Naarden - Autumn 2021

Naarden is one of the best-preserved fortified cities in Europe and is especially famous for its special and well-preserved star shape. The fortress has six bastions, a double rampart and a double ring of canals. The extensive fortress was designed by Adriaen Anthonisz. Large parts from the 17th century are still preserved.

The picture is from "Goois Natuurreservaat Busumheide", where the characteristic communication tower in Hilversum is seen in the background

Gooi Nature Reserve consists of 65 separate nature reserves that are partially connected to each other. These areas include several heaths. The areas stretch from Gooimeer in the north near Huizen to Hollandsche Rading in the south. Goois Nature Reserve Bussumheide is just one of the 65 reserves.

Kasteel Groeneveld near Baarn - Spring 2022

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it was common for wealthy Amsterdamers to buy country estates away from the big city, where they could relax in the summer and not least escape the smell of the canals used for other things than sailing.

The park is only 300 meters wide...

Spring- 2022

...but has a length of up to three kilometers

....and built in Dutch Baroque style.

From the castle park - Kasteel Groeneveld Spring 2022

The park Groeneveld Castle was built in Dutch Baroque style, which is characterized by strict geometric shapes and impressive driveways.

When the English landscape style came into vogue in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the park was transformed. Canals, hills, winding paths and trees were laid out. Especially after 1830, the landscape style in Groeneveld was perfected. An ice cellar was also built. This is now inhabited by bats.

From the castle park - Kasteel Groeneveld - Spring 2022

After being neglected for decades, the park was restored in the late seventies, leaving the landscape styles of the various periods intact and bringing them together into a whole. The estate around the castle is approx. 130 acres and for obvious reasons the park is used by many for recreational purposes. It is also very easy for the inhabitants of Hilversum to visit the park, as it is very close to the city.

Restaurant "De Wildenburg" ved Baarn - Forår 2022

I can recommend to visit "Pannenkoekenboerderij De Wildenburg" near the park and I will also recommend to book a table on hot summer days, as the place is well attended.

From Weesp in the north to Kasteel Groeneveld via Naarden to Baarn in the south - Click on the image above for directionsra

You can either cycle home via Hilversum, Bantam and Fort Uitermeer to Weesp or take the train from Hilversum.

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